Forskning om hypnose

Hypnose finner anvendelse på mange områder i terapeutiske arbeid. Innenfor alle områder i livet til et menneske som krever mobilisering av gode, positive ressurser (les følelser), kan man effektivt benytte dette fantastiske forandringsverktøyet. Bruk av positiv hypnotisk suggesjon ved forberedelse av pasienter for operasjonell inngrep reduserer f eks postoperative komplikasjoner og forkorter i betydelig grad tiden for rekonvalesens – den tiden da en pasient gjenvinner krefter etter en sykdom eller operasjon.

Projeksjon av et positiv sinn og positive følelser inn i enhver situasjon som oppleves ubehagelig, ofte preget av følelser som frykt og redsel, kan forandre opplevelsen av det samme i en nyttig retning…

Jane Segers Rysdon, sertifisert hypnoterapeut og medisinsk spesialist, gründer og eier av ”Happy Heart Hypnosis” senter i Tampa Bay, Florida, USA har samlet noen eksempler på forskning på hypnose og anvendelsen av hypnose i terapeutiske formål i USA.


General Research on Benefits of Hypnosis:

According to William Ray, Penn State psychology professor and hypnosis-researcher, more than 6,000 articles on the benefits of hypnosis have been published in medical and psychological journals since the 1950s.  “We have done a variety of EEG studies,” says Ray, “one of which suggests that hypnosis removes the emotional experience of pain while allowing the sensory sensation to remain. Thus, you notice you were touched but not that it hurt.”
Research Penn State

Hypnosis for Medical and Surgical Procedures:

Clinical trials are measuring how the use of hypnosis before surgery leads to less trauma to the body, less blood loss, and faster recovery times.  Some studies look at how hypnosis may even shorten the length of the procedure and lower the cost.

At teaching hospitals such as those at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Harvard Medical School, hypnotists work with some surgical patients to help speed recovery.

“Hypnosis for acute distress management during medical procedures:  In recent years, several randomized-controlled trials with sufficient participant numbers have demonstrated the efficacy of hypnosis in the perioperative domain.”
–Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – Harvard Medical School

Studies of patients undergoing surgery who were taught self-hypnosis by the team of Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardiothoracic surgeon and frequent Oprah Winfrey guest, revealed the patients were significantly less tense as well as less depressed, less fatigued, and required less medication.  They felt empowered and left the hospital sooner than those who did not receive the training.
–Chip Brown, “The Experiments of Dr. Oz”

“Contemporary clinical investigators claim that the combination of analgesia and hypnosis is superior to conventional pharmacologic anesthesia for minor surgical cases, with patients and surgeons responding favorably.”
–University of Florida College of Medicine

“A new study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston found that women who were guided into a state of hypnotic relaxation during biopsy experienced less pain and anxiety during the procedure.”
Artemis/Hopkins Breast Center

“Hypnosis Reduces Preoperative Anxiety in Adult Patients:  patients in the hypnosis group were significantly less anxious postintervention as compared with patients in the attention-control group and the control group. Moreover, on entrance to the operating rooms, the hypnosis group reported a significant decrease of 56% in their anxiety level whereas the attention-control group reported an increase of 10% in anxiety and the control group reported an increase of 47% in their anxiety.”
-–Anesthesia & Analgesia

“Doctors at Yale University’s medical school reported the news at the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ annual meeting. They tested hypnosis on a small group of adults right before outpatient surgery. Their finding: Hypnosis worked. After one hypnosis session, patients were less anxious about their operation than they had been just half an hour before.”
-–WebMD Medical News

Hypnosis for Childbirth:

“When learning about how the mind controls the body, the expectant couple is taught to surround themselves with only positive people and messages, to create a positive view of childbirth and the expectation that their birthing with be the beautiful, peaceful experience that they want. Fear Clearing Sessions are integral to this process, as they allow each person to address fears they have, work through possible solutions and then release them. Fear in labor can create tension, which creates pain, then more fear, and the cycle continues. Fear and anxiety can also create adrenaline production in the body, causing the labor to become dysfunctional, a common reason for Cesarean Section surgery. Freedom from fear can make a huge difference in the birthing experience.

Hypnosis for childbirth teaches a woman how to enter into self-hypnosis instantly, and create her own natural anesthesia whenever and wherever she needs it. This is important as any drugs taken by a laboring woman can be dangerous for her, and especially her baby. She has total control over her body, and is an active participant in her birth process. As labor progresses, she relaxes even more, goes deeper inside herself, trusting in her body’s natural ability to give birth with ease and comfort. Her mind is programmed to give her exactly what she needs.”
–Kerry Tuschhoff . “Hypnosis for Childbirth: What Is It and Does It Work?”

Hypnosis for Children:

“Studies have shown clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis to be effective as adjunct treatments for children in pain. Examples include painful medical procedures, such as bone marrow aspiration and lumbar puncture in pediatric cancer patients, postoperative pain and anxiety in children undergoing surgery, and chronic headache.”
-–Canadian Family Physician

“The faculty of Health and Social Work at the University of Plymouth in the UK systematically reviewed the research evidence on the effectiveness of hypnosis for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in cancer patients… Meta-analysis revealed a large effect size of hypnotic treatment when compared with treatment as usual, and the effect was at least as large as that of cognitive-behavioral therapy, thus demonstrating that hypnosis could be a clinically valuable intervention for anticipatory and CINV in children with cancer.”
European Journal of Cancer Care

“Patients ages 8–18 years with either FAP (n=31) or IBS (n=22) were randomized to either hypnotherapy or standard medical care. Hypnotherapy was conducted at a site distant from the academic center by a registered nurse with years of training and experience in hypnotherapy. The hypnotherapy intervention consisted of six age-appropriate 50-minute sessions over a three-month period.

“The goal of the hypnotherapy was to provide suggestions for general relaxation, sleep improvement, and “ego-strengthening.” Standard medical care consisted of physician-directed education, dietary advice, extra dietary fiber, and pain medication in addition to six half-hour sessions of “supportive therapy” conducted over a three-month period.

“Patients in both groups maintained a pain diary card on which they recorded the daily frequency and intensity of abdominal pain and other somatic symptoms such as headache. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, one, four, eight, and 12 weeks after randomization and again six and 12 months post-therapy. Gastrointestinal pain scores decreased significantly.”
American Academy of Pediatrics

Hypnosis for Dental Procedures:

“During a 1-year-trial period, 209 [dental] operations under combined local anaesthesia/medical hypnosis were carried out on 174 non-preselected patients between the ages of 13 and 87 years. The surgical range covered oral, plastic and reconstructive, oncological, septic and trauma operations. RESULTS: Medical hypnosis turned out to be a reliable and standardizable method with high patient compliance. Remarkable improvements in treatment conditions for both patient and surgeons were achieved in 93% of cases.”
-–Journal of Cranio-maxillo-facial Surgery

Hypnosis for Weight Management:

“In this meta-analytical examination of clinical weight-loss studies, Allison and Faith examined the effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. The studies consistently found that hypnotherapy enhanced cognitive-behavioral approaches to weight reduction.”
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Hypnosis for Sports Performance:

“What do Tiger Woods, Sylvester Stallone, and hundreds of successful Olympic athletes, performing artists, salesmen, and business executives have in common?  All have used hypnosis and guided imagery to vastly increase their performance in their chosen field…. In this relaxed but fully conscious state we can help our clients to achieve all of the following objectives in the arena of peak performance:

We help them to visualize and experience in every muscle of their bodies achieving their goal through a mental rehearsal of every step of their performance.”
–David Quigley, “Achieving Peak Performance in Sports and in Life”

Hypnosis for Depression:

“Hypnosis offers a way to conceptualise how human beings construct their individual realities, and how to interact more effectively with others; in clinical hypnosis hypnotic processes are employed as agents of effective communication and change. ”
–Dr. Michael Yapko, who was chosen to write the sections on Treating Depression and Brief Therapy for the Encyclopaedia Britannica Medical and Health Annuals